Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Working inclusively to empower better health outcomes for patients and the public

Together with NIHR Exeter Clinical Research Facility (CRF) we have created a joint Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI) Strategy. We share a fundamental objective to empower better health outcomes for patients and the public by translating scientific breakthroughs into potential new treatments, diagnostics and medical technologies.

Young doctors, mixed race, in a hospital corridor looking at x-ray images

Our strategy outlines the vision, overarching goals and action plan of how we and the CRF will embed EDI in our infrastructures.

We will ensure that the consideration and implementation of EDI is second nature to all members of our experimental medicine and translational research community, fostering a fully inclusive environment where everyone feels supported, valued, and is provided the opportunity to reach their full potential.

We have identified three key pillars that form the basis of our strategy:

  • Targeting underrepresented communities relevant to our Centres. 
  • Improving and embedding research culture within our Centres.
  • Data collection to inform evidence-led EDI approaches.

Our strategy purposefully shares overarching EDI visions with those of the NIHR, University of Exeter, the Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and other NHS Trust partners to help us work collaboratively and reach our mutual goals. This way of working will help us to embed our commitment to EDI in our infrastructures, making sure that it is sustainable and a solid foundation for further progress over the lifespan of the BRC and CRF grants.

Our strategy formation is, and will be, an iterative process and we will continue to gather and evaluate information to shape our vision as our Centre develops.

Read our Strategy to understand our commitment as a Centre, and what we expect from our members. By building an inclusive workforce with different experiences and backgrounds, together we can foster scientific research excellence and maximise its impact.

Speak Out Guardians

Speak Out Guardians are volunteers. They support the University of Exeter in being an open and transparent place to work, where all staff are actively encouraged and enabled to speak out, specifically about any dignity and respect issues. The Speak Out Guardians are independent and are able to listen to employee concerns, identify trends or themes and enable confidentiality at all times (the Speak Out Guardians do share information confidentially between themselves).

They work with the University Executive Board (UEB), the network of Dignity and Respect Advisors, and the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team.

BRC members can speak to someone about their experience by talking to one of the University of Exeter’s Speak Out Guardians and/or any one of a network of trained Dignity and Respect Advisors.

Contact a Speak Out Guardian

Colleagues can contact the Speak Out Guardians in confidence using their details on the link below

Contact a Speak Out Guardian

EDI Strategy

Download a PDF or Word version of our EDI strategy by clicking the links below